Vague Reminiscences of a Hermit
As you would expect, this is about my favourite topic…me.
Am I a real hermit? Probably not, but I rarely leave my home, unless it’s to buy essentials. Even then, it’s a very quick trip, fully masked, to Woolies, my closest food supplier, BWS for other essentials such as wine or whiskey or Bunnings, for other essentials. I don’t socialise, purely of my fear of Covid. It’s true. At my age and having a heart problem and diabetes, I’m trying to protect myself from it for as long as I can.
I’m quite happy at home.
I enjoy my wife’s company as she constantly keeps me amused, as well as my own. I’m very fortunate to have a small, very lovely traditional timber house, situated on 825sqm, With wonderful views, a large workshop and a great undercover, outdoor BBQ area. All of this, plus my penchant for writing nonsense, keeps me happy. I neither want nor need the outside world.
I was working at Bunnings, when the Covid thing hit us and I remember day afterday of being masked and gloved, telling dickhead customers “Only 5 people in an aisle”. I was also distressed at seeing my lovely workmates going down with that stinking virus.
Fuck the Chinese for sharing it!
I have admitted to being somewhat racist before, but I have recently decided that any racism I have is purely transitional and depends on local and worldwide events. At the moment, the only countries I despise are Russia and China, for obvious reasons.
Locally, while not specifically racist, I have no time for Woolies, who seemed to have done away with providing hand and trolley sanitation facilities and have never enforced the 1.5m distancing.
The last lot that I have no time for are the wankers who feel it necessary to comment on me wearing a mask, in public.
My usual response is,
a. Because I’m fucking ugly,
b. Because I chose to protect myself from potentially infected dickheads, like you or
c. Mind your own fucking business”. These seem to work.
I don’t get any grief, because they probably don’t this it’s cool to beat up an old, obviously deranged man in public. The walk back to the car can be a bit fraught with danger though. It could help that I use a 7 iron, golf club as a walking stick.
OK, I’m over reminiscing for now. It’s almost scotch o’clock.